Zdravo Marijo


Split, Beograd, Ljubljana, Zagreb i Skopje spremni su za koncerte koji će nadmašiti sve dosad viđeno

Nakon velike regionalne turneje 'Dobrodošao u klub', koju je vidjelo preko 250 tisuća ljudi i koja se mogla svrstati uz bok velikim svjetskim turnejama, Severina najavljuje novu, još spektakularniju turneju – 'The Magic Tour'. Četvrta po redu Severinina regionalna turneja, zbog čega ju s pravom nazivaju najvećom ženskom regionalnom zvijezdom, započet će 16. studenog u njezinom rodnom Splitu, nakon čega se ova magična noć nastavlja i u ostalim velikim gradovima, poput Beograda, Ljubljane, Zagreba, Skopja…

Detalji najiščekivanije turneje na ovim prostorima polako se počinju otkrivati, pa je tako već poznato da produkcija nadmašuje sve dosad viđeno, odabrana je ekipa vrhunskih umjetnika, dok će sa Severinom diljem regije putovati preko 100 osoba uključenih u organizaciju te čak 15 šlepera opreme.

Presretna sam i zahvalna jer sam oduvijek htjela početi turneju iz mog rodnog grada Splita, a to će mi se  16.11. ostvariti. Pokraj mene na bini je 15 glazbenika, simfonijski orkestar, 25 vrhunskih plesača i mi dolazimo s “bajkom za cijelu obitelj i sve generacije”, jer ćemo pjevat stare i nove pjesme koje ljudi vole. Ova putujuća bajka dalje ide u Zagreb, Ljubljanu, Beograd, Skopje... Jedva čekam uživati s publikom i zahvaljujem na velikom interesu.“ – izjavila je Severina

U koncertima koji se najavljuju kao 'magična bajka za cijelu obitelj' uživat će Severinini obožavatelji i starih i novih pjesama, uključujući i hitove s najnovijeg albuma 'Halo', koji su na YouTube-u preslušani već preko 300 milijuna puta.

Osobe s invaliditetom u invalidskim kolicima ulaze besplatno.
Djeca do 3 godine ulaze besplatno s time da sjede roditeljima u krilu.


Prodaja ulaznica za koncert u Splitu i Zagrebu kreće u četvrtak 05.09. putem sustava Eventim od 10h dok prodaja ulaznica za koncert u Beogradu kreće u utorak, 10.09. putem sustava Ticket.rs.

Prodaja ulaznica za Zagreb i Split: https://bit.ly/2ktngL7





Severina began her two-day tour in Chicago at the Hyatt Regency O'Hare, which continued at Las Vegas in the The Chelsea Hall, which has hosted some of the world's biggest names in a music world, such as Lady Gaga, Bob Dylan, Bruno Mars ... Right there, weeks before the concert, everything was in the Severina sign. The big billboard in front of the Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas hotel was just an overture to what was in the hotel itself - Severina's name was on every corner of this luxury hotel, which was photographed by fans from all over America who came to attend this spectacle. One of the visitors was Richard Jackson, the choreographer of Lady Gaga, who helped Severina with choreography.






The “Dobrodošao u klub” tour began in 2012; musical-scenic-visual spectacle, under the direction of Tomaž Pandur, one of the most awarded European theater directors, has been producing at the top level of world concerts and has broken down all records of the attendance of sold out regional halls.

More than 100,000 people saw the tour.



In December 2008, the tour "Zdravo Marijo" started throughout the region; it covered all major cities in the countries of the former Yugoslavia. The tour departed from Zagreb to experience its peak on October 17, 2009 at the crowded Belgrade Arena, where Severina held a concert of over 20,000 people. After the tour, another Severina's live DVD, which was named "Tridesete uživo", was released and this was the first live DVD in Blu-ray technology.









Virujen u te (najbolje uživo!) is the second live album of the Croatian pop singer Severina, published in 2002.

Virujen u te (najbolje uživo!) is the second live album of the Croatian pop singer Severina, published in 2002 in Croatia by the record label Dallas Records. The album was recorded on December 13, 2001 at a concert in Zagreb, as part of the concert tour "Virujen u te". The album features eighteen songs from all the studio albums from the 1992 album Severina. As a single, the song "Pogled ispod obrva" was released from the album.

The album was awarded with a golden record.